Saturday, July 14, 2007

Here’s one of those situations where the boys temporarily bypass the literal interpretation of the 11th point of the Scout Law. But that’s okay.


There was a surprise waiting for us at Camp Urland (Three Rivers Council, Woodville, TX). A recent flood had washed out the dam. What had been a perfectly good fishing and canoeing lake was nothing but a slippery, slimy mud pit. Canoeing was off of the schedule. In addition, the weather that January weekend was chilly and drizzly. Apparently whatever else the Senior Patrol Leader had planned was no good in rain.

When I was a boy, we would have sat around in our tents playing cards and complaining about the weather. But not these guys! They started a game of “Follow the Leader” in the empty lake—jumping, sliding, and tumbling after each other, through all of that muck. After more than two hours of this, they came back to camp covered in so much mud they looked like giant chocolate bunnies. Thank goodness the camp had cold water showers in each campsite!

I do not remember anything else about this campout. I suppose it was well worth getting so unclean, just so that this outing would be memorable.


cal said...

Thats great, it really demonstrates how great it is for kids to go camping. There is nothing better than going out and enjoying the outdoors, no matter how mucky it is.

Matthew said...

I wish I was on that trip. It is definetly very muddy. I dont think it would be easy to wash out the stains on those clothes. Hopefully the clothes weren't expensive. Even if their shoes were white it would probably be hard to tell.

B C Justice said...

Your parents probably don't wish you were on that trip. Sounds like you are leaning toward throwing the clothes away instead of washing them...

Alan K. Alzueta said...

nice i really like it good job write some more